Difference between weak and unowned in swift.
To avoid the retain cycle we have to specify the relationship between two object i.e weak, unowned, strong
A varible reference to an instance is strong by default. But that is not always what you want. If a strong reference is not appropriate, you have a few alternative options, weak and unowned references.
A weak or unowned instance reference count neaver increase.
Let us visualize.

- Weak always declared as an optional.it may contain nil or actual type.
- The value of a weak reference needs to be unwrapped before it can be accessed.
When to use :
When you not sure that an instance will always exist for the lifetime.
For example:
- weak owner will not sure that an instance will always exist. Because at any time it will contain an actual value or nil.
- To avoid code crash make sure that captured instance never to nil using guard statement.
Let us visualize.

- Unowned always has an actual type.
- you can directly access the value of an unowned reference.
- an unowned reference is deallocated, it isn’t set to nil. As a result, a fatal error is thrown if the referenced object of the unowned reference is ac accessed.
When to use :
When you sure that an instance will always exist for the lifetime.
How to use :
For example:
- the unowned owner sure that an instance will always exist for the lifetime in clouser.
- Our code will crash if the owner instance is deallocated. So be careful while using the unowned.
In next article we will see the Swift Memory Management — Autorelease pool